Talkaoke at Twins Park Festival

Bermondsey’s Twin Parks Festival took place on a sunny afternoon in Leathermarket Gardens and nearby Tabard Gardens, back on the 30th of August 2003.
Click here to watch the video.
This entry was posted on Friday, July 26th, 2013 at 1:14 pm. It is filed under Past Events and tagged with august 2003, bermondsey, chat, citizens, city, communication, community, conversation, debate, england, event, free, live, media, open, people speak, subject, talkaoke, talkaoke; twin park festival; bermondsey; august 2003; talkshow; people speak; debate; communication; england; chat; live; video; conversation; topic; subject; citizens; city; event; open; free; togeh, talkshow, togeher, topic, twin park festival, video, voices.
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