Artistic Residency with Bielefeld University – 2024

Between 22 and 25 August 2024, The People Speak team – Mikey, Margot and our multilingual host Timna – joined the University of Bielefeld, Germany as part of the public relations project Ö for the CRC1646 Linguistic Creativity in Communication. Over the next 4 years the CRC aims to investigate creativity of the German language. To combine research and public relations the project is using Talkaoke – our interactive talk show format. This year we had the opportunity to run Talkaoke in 4 different contexts: from a facilitation workshop with the Linguistic PhD students to public events in an adult education centre, a festival and at a democracy event at one of the contested public spaces in Bielefeld.

22-23 August – Bielefeld University and Volkshochschule Bielefeld (VHS) We joined at a workshop held by the project Ö for PHD students interested in science communication. For some people communicating their research through face to face interaction was a familiar territory, while others found it easier to communicate with their peers through academic writing. We started out with some gaffer tape on the floor spelling: FÜR and GEGEN to understand where the group stood (literally) on the subjects such as: Flammkuchen (a local speciality and a kind of a yummy pizza base), a political dimension of science or does playfulness undermine the academic merit? Needless to say, this led us to discussions which permeated throughout the day. We talked about our approach to communication and creativity through the lens of our artistic approach and the 27 years experience of working with the collective imagination of thousands of people who got involved in our projects – not just Talkaoke but also The Slice Is Right, Who Wants To Be or Blind Update. With Talkaoke being a regular feature at many science-based events at the Festival of Genomics, Natural History Museum, Science Museum – to name a few, we understand some issues with finding a smooth communication path between the scientists and general public. In the Talkaoke facilitation training we were able to delve deeper into what makes a fruitful and engaging conversation. We zoomed in on building the bridge from the side of the participant, deep listening and tapping into creativity during a live conversation, when there is no time to prepare. The new trainee hosts had a chance to try their Talkaoke skills in a public setting at the VHS Volkshochschule Bielefeld during the open day.

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24 August – Fairstival  The Fairstival took place for the first time over 3 days at the idyllic Alte Wassermühle in Bentrup in Bielefeld. A swan was swimming peacefully in the pond when we arrived, and one thing was immediately clear: the Fairstival greeted us with a very relaxed atmosphere. Coming from cool England, we were sweating while setting up the Talkaoke table in the unusually hot temperatures, even for Bielefeld. As soon as our pink table was set up, exciting discussions on various topics began. At first, we talked about heat, sustainability, and climate change. Many of the participants had travelled by bike and mentioned the lack of an expanded cycling network in the city, though they also noted that the city already has many initiatives to improve life for all its residents. Next, Kim, a student at Bielefeld University, took the microphone and gracefully jumped into the pink chair to make her debut as a Talkaoke host. Participants talked about the various musicians at the Fairstival, sports, the voluntary work many were involved in, and there was also an extended discussion on different relationship models—monogamy, polyamory, or maybe something else? Everyone was free to express their opinion. It was a pleasant environment to try out Talkaoke for the first time. To wrap up the day, just before the storm swept over the city, we were able to enjoy wonderful food from Gambia, Turkey, and regional apples. Afterwards, we danced together with many festival guests to the amazing live music of Los Kamer.

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25 August – Kesselbrink spielt!  On our last day in Bielefeld, we were invited to the festival Kesselbrink spielt!, a celebration of German democracy. Our Talkaoke table was set up between the political party booths, and we were able to engage in various conversations with the local residents. The first discussions were initiated by frequent visitors of the square and politicians. Different opinions were voiced about what the square needed, and we were able to have many controversial discussions. It was fascinating to hear different perspectives from people of various ages, backgrounds, and political views on topics such as violence, the German school system, and why the people of Bielefeld love their city so much. The diversity of the city was reflected not only in the range of opinions but also in the variety of languages spoken. People conversed in German, English, Russian, Polish, and even French. The youngest residents of Bielefeld also shared their thoughts, enlightening the older generations on the importance of Hello Kitty, and at the tender age of 8, they expressed their opinions on bullying in schools. It was an important and refreshing round of discussions, with many exciting encounters between people of all backgrounds. Before we wrapped up with the support of some participants, Anna who had experienced Talkaoke a couple of days previously jumped into the middle of the table and gave us a splendid debut as Talkaoke host in German, Russian and with a lot of her great laughter.

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Finally, we wrote a collective poem about our experience at Kesselbrink, which is now awaiting a music producer to compose some good beats for it.   Kesselbrink the poem   Kesselbrink Kesselbrink, it’s not what you think Dealers of opinions, high horse wink wink    I can teach you how to march  Knoblauch sauce contains cornstarch  I will cook you what you want  Pay what you want – €​​ siebzehn euro is a start    It’s a dangerous place  Sitting witnessing together Remembering forever Humanity fold in on itself While we get fucked up   We came here from all corners To be here on this square To finally discover what the mind is for   Circulation is poor until you get a run for your money Head in the toilet bowl  Gott ist tot – but wait, there’s more    Incomprehensible connects with indescribables  Stressed by inexplicable  ‘o’ umlaut becomes a black hole    Deeply philosophical divided by poetical Becomes antithetical- don’t care if it’s not ethical We can’t afford the medical Nevermind the pedicure We are so unapproachable It isn’t learned or coachable   Choose a weapon for this war  Knife or fork or just love more?  It’s waffely poor But it’s what life’s for   Menschen kommen von hier und dort Die einen meinen es es sei ihr Ort Die anderen sagen, sie sollen gleich fort Don’t like it but that’s the way it is

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